Stretch Care
By lkidder - November 18, 2022

By Larry Kidder | With the help of our Stretch Care specialists, you can experience the benefits of assisted stretching. The process stretches out the muscles and ligaments in a safe way, increasing range of motion, reducing muscle and joint pain, and preparing your body for exercise or recreational sports as well as helping you recover more quickly.

Brand-new sessions are now being offered at Loma Linda University Drayson Center. Our Stretch Care service, an innovative approach to stretching with the assistance of Stretch Care-trained personal trainers, provides a multitude of wellness benefits.

Preparation for activity. Most people stretch before they begin exercise or sports activities. However, their routines may not be effective or adequate to enhance flexibility, warm up their muscles, and prepare their bodies for physical exertion. Our Stretch Care specialists will tailor their techniques to fit your specific needs, as well as the requirements of your activity.

Following activity. The cool-down process is essential to recovering quickly and efficiently from strenuous physical activity. Our Stretch Care team will help you recover more quickly and reduce your post-activity soreness and pain.

Increased range of motion. Your range of motion impacts not only your sports and exercise, but your general quality of life. Poor range of motion leads to pain and physical fatigue—or even injury over time. Stretch Care will help you move better in general, as well as improve your ability to exercise or take part in sports activities.

The Stretch Care process draws from physical therapy, massage, and personal training techniques to enhance your stretching. Over time, your general movement will improve. Increased balance and flexibility will significantly decrease your risk of injury—from muscle pulls and tears to ligament and tendon strains and tears.

Book your appointment today and give Stretch Care a try. It may be a life-changer for you. To book your 25- or 50-minute session, visit or call 909-558-4975.

Stretch Care

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