By Larry Kidder | Donald Sease, MBA, director of Loma Linda University Drayson Center, prepares to use the new Alpine Runner Incline Trainer in the cardio room. This new treadmill, created by the True corporation, doubles the incline options for cardio enthusiasts. Scroll down for more photos.
Drayson Center's newest treadmill, the Alpine Runner Incline Trainer, promises to challenge even the fittest Drayson Center members by doubling the incline potential. The new piece of equipment arrived for a trial run on Friday, August 3, delivered by True corporate representative Robert Dethloff, national sales manager for health, corporate, and education.
The new treadmill offers incline options from -3 to 30 percent, which doubles the 15 percent incline threshold of most treadmills. "As any fitness enthusiast will tell you," comments Sease, "the more you increase the incline, the more it pushes the heart and other muscles." The health benefits increase dramatically by doubling the incline.
The new equipment was researched by Michael Rister, aquatics and fitness manager at Drayson, and Richard Wysong, facilities manager, and will be available at Drayson Center on a trial basis—which is typical of most of the cardio and weight room equipment. "We're always trying to stay on the cutting edge of fitness and recreation," Sease adds, "and this may significantly increase the fitness options for our members."
Drayson Center staff and administrative team members welcome and rely on member opinions regarding equipment and other choices.
The new Alpine Runner Incline Trainer by True corporation is quite a climb, compared to conventional treadmills, pushing the heart and other muscles to new levels of endurance.
The assumption is that Sease is smiling and not grimacing as he tests the new treadmill at its 30 percent incline. Come back in a month or two, and he'll be jogging at full speed.
True corporation representative Robert Dethloff explains the features and benefits of the newest treadmill to Drayson Center staff.