By Larry Kidder | Vaccinated individuals are no longer required to wear masks indoors in non-medical settings. The latest mask mandate expired on Tuesday, February 15.
Vaccinated members at Loma Linda University Drayson Center are no longer required to wear masks. However, the indoor mandate continues for unvaccinated individuals, as well as for everyone in medical settings.
The California Department of Public Health has allowed the mandate to expire for indoors. Drayson Center recieved official word from LLU administration to remove the mandate for vaccinated members and visitors.
The latest Omicron variant is waning in California. Numbers of COVID patients at Loma Linda University Health entities are also dropping.
While COVID restrictions are being lifted in a number of states, as well as internationally, people are encouraged to continue good public health practices such as frequent hand-washing and keeping a healthy distance from strangers. The Omicron variant does not seem to be as dangerous, particularly for vaccinated individuals. Many are asymptomatic or experience mild symptoms.
For those choosing to continue wearing masks, as well those celebrating the end of the mandate, please be tolerant and respectful of personal freedom and choice.
As always, stay tuned for any changes in the current public health environment. Drayson Center members are asked to comply, and their cooperation helps to keep the center open for business.