By Larry Kidder | The process of transforming the cardio and weight rooms into one large room has commenced. When you return to Drayson Center on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, the transformation of that area should be complete.
When Loma Linda University Drayson Center members return following the holiday break, there should be some pleasant surprises. New equipment is on the way, which we hope will be here by January 2—if not soon thereafter. The wood floors will be shiny again, awaiting the healthy wear that will surely take place in 2024.
Richard Wysong, facilities manager for LLU Drayson Center, sinks the head of a hammer into the sheet rock, symbolically kicking off the demolition of the wall separating the weight and cardio rooms.
Drayson Center will continue with its process of updating a facility that is nearing 30 years old, with much of the center in its original state and in need of refurbishing. Each step of the process will result in improved experiences and opportunities for our members in 2024.
Metal wall studs, which last saw the light of day in 1994, are revealed as the sheet rock is stripped away.
Yes, areas will be closed for finite periods of time, but the temporary closures should be well worth the wait. Stay with us in 2024 as we march toward our 30th anniversary in 2025. Thank you ahead of time for your patience and understanding.
And, Happy New Year to all!